Are you thinking of selling your wine estate?
Reflecting, preparing, organising, closing the sale…
Whether it is a family property, part of an intergenerational history, or a pure production tool, whether you are selling real estate and/or transferring company shares or your sole proprietorship, THEMIS TRANSACTIONS will work with you in complete confidentiality.
Together with your advisors and our expert partners, we will define your needs and the various legal, tax, technical and financial requirements and conditions of the sale.
The goal is to offer the buyer an acquisition project based on optimal initial management of the issues involved, which is always the basis for a successful transaction.

What do I need to do before putting my property on the market?
Ensure, check, control, anticipate…
Legal requirements
In conjunction with your advisors and/or our expert partners, notaries and lawyers specialising in agricultural and rural law
With a review of current title deeds and leases
This involves :
- All owners, partners, co-owners, bare owners/usufructuaries, co-heirs,
- The tenant or farmer in the case of a rural lease,
- Any beneficiaries of preferential rights,
- The SAFER (possibly), the French Société d’aménagement foncier et d’établissement rural (land development and rural settlement company)
- Etc.
- Termination or continuation of current leases,
- Tenant compensation,
- Promissory lease agreements with third-party lessors,
- Etc.
- Consequences in the event of an invalid operating licence,
- Proposed solutions,
- Etc.
- Consequences of not obtaining a building permit,
- Proposed solutions,
- Etc.
Non-exhaustive list, adaptable to your property’s profile
Tax requirements
In conjunction with your advisors and/or our expert partners: notaries, accountants and tax lawyers
Including a review of title deeds
It is advisable to :
- Agreements to retain company shares in the event of a gift or inheritance,
- Agreements to retain real estate assets in the event of a gift or inheritance,
- Dutreil Pact provisions (exemption of transfer duties),
- Etc.
- Defining the applicable tax rate,
- Estimating the amount of capital gains,
- Etc.
- Prioritise the sale of company shares,
- Or prioritise the sale of real estate,
- Etc.
- To optimise the financial terms of the sale,
- Proposed solutions,
- Etc.
Non-exhaustive list, adaptable to your property’s profile
Technical aspects
In conjunction with your advisors, and subsequently with those of the potential buyer.
As a company specialised in winery transactions, THEMIS TRANSACTIONS sets up comprehensive and rigorous data rooms.
These include :
- Legal aspects,
- Viticultural aspects,
- Labor issues,
- Commercial aspects,
- Movable assets,
- Accounting,
- Tax aspects,
- Banking,
- Etc.
NB: Depending on the nature of the structures sold, a data room can contain more than 50 documents…
- Technical Diagnostic File,
- The Public Non-Collective Sanitation Department (SPANC),
- Enterprise resource planning (ERP),
- Etc.
- Creation of a dedicated data room,
- Personal, secure access,
- Etc.
- To optimise the financial terms of the sale,
- Proposed solutions,
- Etc.
Non-exhaustive list, adaptable to your property’s profile
Financial aspects: adding value to your property
In collaboration with your advisors
As a company specialised in winery transactions, THEMIS TRANSACTIONS draws up comprehensive and thorough valuation reports.
It is important to :
- Legal, tax and technical requirements,
- Increase or adjust the value.
- Highlight your property’s assets,
- Identify pitfalls and anticipate solutions,
- Present development prospects.
- Notary databases,
- Government databases,
- SAFER data,
- Etc.
Non-exhaustive list, adaptable to your property’s profile
Entrust us
with your sale
Mandate us to organise, lead, negotiate and close the sale
Entrusting the sale of your wine estate to THEMIS TRANSACTIONS gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you’ll be supported at every step of the transaction:
From the initial study of the legal , fiscal , technical and financial requirements , to the signing of the final deed of sale.
The study of these requirements and conditions enables THEMIS TRANSACTIONS to have a detailed knowledge of your property and to prepare the appropriate property presentation portfolio with the necessary rigor, discretion, and technical expertise.
This document, called a Memorandum, is an attractive and rational summary of your wine estate for selected interested buyers. In particular, it presents the history and location of the property, a detailed description of the buildings, vineyards and production, the legal aspects of the sale, the development prospects, and the expected sale price. Reading it should arouse interest and stimulate a desire to visit in order to begin negotiations…
Would you like to keep the sale of your wine estate as confidential as possible?
THEMIS TRANSACTIONS offers to integrate your property into the Off market “Perles rares” (rare gems) market, which it manages. This involves:
- Selection of a target client and validation of their profile by you,
- The potential buyer must sign a confidentiality agreement,
- Sending of the Memorandum once the agreement has been made formal.
These formalities provide a framework for future exchanges under the seal of confidentiality, ensuring a smooth start.
Would you like to promote the sale of your wine estate?
THEMIS TRANSACTIONS can organise referencing and advertising on various media.
THEMIS TRANSACTIONS will provide you with a bimonthly report on the progress of your listing.
THEMIS TRANSACTIONS will advise and assist you in organising visits to your wine estate.
Negotiation and closing of the sale
- Negotiate with you the conditions for signing a sale agreement,
- Monitor and report to you on the fulfilment of any outstanding conditions (“license to operate”, right of first refusal, etc.),
- Ensure the smooth signing of the final deed of sale.